Monday, November 29, 2010

[BBC] Funky Phrasals - Health

[BBC] Funky Phrasals - Health

Read the conversation

VICKI:Hey Matt, are you feeling ok? I don’t think you’re looking too well today. Are you okay?
MATT:Am I okay? No, not really. I’ve got a temperature, a headache, a sore throat….I think I’m going down with something.
VICKI:Oh dear…I’d say you’re going down with the flu!
VICKI:So poor Matt is not very well.
MATT:Yes, I think I’m going down with the flu. But I’ve got to fight it off Vicki! We’ve got a programme to do.
VICKI:What a professional, trying not to let yourself get ill, trying to fight it off.
MATT:The show must go on!
VICKI:I’ve got some pain killers in my bag somewhere…Here…
MATT:Oh. Thanks, that should bring my temperature down.
VICKI:Yes, hopefully it’ll reduce your temperature.
VICKI:And here’s some water.
MATT:Thanks. Cold water will cool me down too.
VICKI:Yes, if you’re feeling hot and unwell, drinking water will stop you being so hot.
MATT:(drinks) Argh. That hurts my throat!
VICKI:Hmm you’re a difficult patient! Why don’t you go and have a bit of a lie down?
VICKI:So, Matt, how are you feeling now.
MATT:Oh…I’m feeling much better thanks! I think I’m getting over it all.
VICKI:Well that’s a relief.

Funky Phrasals
• to go down with something
• to fight something off
• to bring something down
• to cool down
• to get over

Practice : I think I'm going down with the flu.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

[BBC] Face Up to Phrasals - Fred and Betty: Episode4

[BBC] Face Up to Phrasals - Fred and Betty: Episode4

Episode 4: Who's the Liar?

Fred: Don't listen to Martin, Betty! It's not true! He's making it up!

Meaning: if you make something up, you invent an untrue story or explanation, often in order to hide the truth.

My Practice : To make up an excuse, I lie like the truth.

Monday, November 22, 2010

[BBC] Funky Phrasals - Dating

Read the conversation

VICKI:Picture this:You’re standing in the rain waiting for your date
MATT:You’ve been waiting for a long time.
VICKI:Where are they?
VICKI:It looks like they’ve stood you up!
MATT:Yup. They’ve arranged a date, but they’re not coming - they’ve stood you up.
VICKI:It’s horrible being stood up.
MATT:You feel that they’ve let you down!
VICKI:They’ve not done what they said they’d do.

Funky Phrasals
• to stand someone up
• to let someone down

Practice : It looks like they've stood you up.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

[BBC] Face Up to Phrasals - Fred and Betty: Episode3

Episode 3: How Betty Knows

Betty: I know all about your other lady Fred! Your friend Martin told on you!

Meaning: if you tell on somebody, you give information about someone, usually about something bad that they have said or done, to a person in authority (like a teacher, boss or parent), knowing that this will probably result in punishment.

My Practice : My friend told on me that my boyfriend told on his friends about my secret.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

[BBC] General&Business English - Welcome to London

Unit 1: Transport

Comparing travel options

Comparing Transport

1. The Tube

Journey Time
From Heathrow to King's Cross takes approximately 1 hour. There are no traffic delays on the tube, but there are sometimes other problems and delays can occur.

From Heathrow to central London it costs £3.70 for an adult single fare, £1.50 for a child single fare.

Trains leave every few minutes.

The tube can be overcrowded, especially during the rush hour. There is limited space for luggage. Smoking is not allowed on the underground.

2. Airbus

Journey Time
From Heathrow terminal 4 to London takes approximately 1 hour 45 minutes. (journey time is subject to delay due to traffic conditions).

From Heathrow to central London it costs £8.00 for an adult single fare, £4.00 for a child single fare.

Coaches leave every 20 - 30 minutes.

When you book your ticket you are guaranteed a seat. Modern air-conditioned, double-decker coaches. Smoking is not allowed on Airbus services.

3. Heathrow Express

Journey Time
From Heathrow to Paddington takes 15 minutes.

From Heathrow to Paddington costs £13.00 for an adult single fare, £6.00 for a child single fare. There is also a 10% discount for booking online.

Trains leave every 15 minutes.

Modern, air conditioned trains. Smoking is not allowed on the Heathrow Express. A special 'quiet zone' is available.

4. Taxi

Journey Time
The journey time obviously changes according to the time of day and traffic conditions (road works, diversions etc), but allow between 30 and 75 minutes.

Cost can vary according to which minicab company you use, but a typical fare is around £34.00

There are usually lots of taxis available, but you may like to book in advance and be met at the airport.

You may get talking to the cabby - London taxi drivers are famous for their abililty to 'chat'.


I'm surprised 'A taxi is the most expensive.'

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

[BBC] Face Up to Phrasals - Fred and Betty: Episode2

Episode 2: Not Guilty!

Fred: Betty, you've got to believe me! I would never cheat on you Betty!

Meaning: if you cheat on somebody, (your husband, wife, boyfriend or girlfriend) you secretly have a sexual or romantic relationship with someone else.

My Practice : I believe that you would cheat on her.

Friday, November 5, 2010

[BBC] Funky Phrasals - School Days

Read the conversation

VICKI:We’re going to go back to school.
CALLUM:Because if you want to get ahead, you need a good education!
VICKI:That’s right. Well one way to get ahead with English is to use more phrasal verbs. For example:
CALLUM:'get ahead' education certainly helped me get ahead – it helped me to become more successful than other people.
VICKI:It must have done Callum because now you’re working with me!
CALLUM:And that really is getting ahead!
VICKI:So what were your school days like, Callum?
CALLUM:Well..I suppose I got on okay.
VICKI:So you were quite successful.
CALLUM:I got on okay, yeah. Sometimes I messed around.
VICKI:Ah, you were sometimes naughty, and just played when you should’ve been working?
CALLUM:Yes, I messed around sometimes, just like most kids.

Funky Phrasals
- to get ahead
- to get on
- to mess around

Practice : If you want to get ahead you need a good education!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

[BBC] Face Up to Phrasals - Fred and Betty: Episode1

Episode 1: Betty's Angry

Betty: Fred, I found out about you and that other girl. How could you do this to me?!

Meaning: if you find out about something, you discover a fact or information that you did not know before, often because someone was keeping it secret.

My Practice : I found out about my phone.