Sunday, October 31, 2010

[Wedding] Wedding Dress Choice

I have a plan about wedding photo. I'm going to take the wedding photo on November 15. So I went to wedding dress shop to choice wedding dress for shooting with my mother and my boyfriend. I tried on eleven dresses. I'm a little tired, but I enjoyed to do that. I choosed four wedding dresses which I'm going to wear when I take the wedding photo. The preparing marriage is tired,but it's joyful.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

[Family] Ye-Eun's First Birthday Party

Ye-Eun who is my nephew celerbrated her first birthday. I'm surprised that the time past flies. I was so tired, because I stay up yesterday. But I was very enjoy to play with Ye-Eun. She was more pretty today than before. Although she very tired, she played well. When I saw her, I forget everything. Just I'm so happy.

Friday, October 29, 2010

[Diary] MT

I'm enjoying the MT. The MT means membership training. My church planed the MT to unite between the youth of church. Today is that day! After I finished classes, I went to bulgwang-dong. Many people gathered at the training center in bulgwang-dong. I'm here. I'm playing the game with people. I'm having a great time. I expect tonight.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

[Diary] The End Midterm Exam

Today is last day of midterm exam. My last midterm is English Reading & Writing. Altough I wake up early, I was a little late. After the last exam ended, I felt relaxation. I said "WOW~~!" Now, I have to do too much homework, but I'm happy.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

[Life] My Library Seat

I tend to go to the library when I have a examination. I always go to the library 6F, and then check my seat. The seat that I like is at the very front. The reason why I like the seat is that the seat is near by entrance.When the phone rings, I have to go out. So I sit down the seat. Also, I like the six floor, because I like a high place. The high place has a fine viwe. Anyway, I will like the six floor of the library and the seat until graduation.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

[Diary] A Short Date

My boyfriend and i don't often meet, so we always have an unsatisfied feeling about metting. But we enjoy our time by various ways. We use a short time to date. I go to school and do my homework until night. my boyfriend go to work and do exercise until night. So we meet at the front of my school, and we go to the subway station together for 10 minute. Although we have a short time, we are happy to see each other.

Monday, October 25, 2010

[Life] Cold Wether

Today is cold. I don't like cold wether, because I feel more cold than others. Also, I have a cold body. If I eat or drink much cold food, it's not good for me. Anyway, these days is very cold. I heard the news that tommorrow is more cold. I'm afraid of my health.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

[Diary] My Lovely Chocolate

This is my lovely chocolate, because my boyfriend gave me. This is Dolfin Chocolate from Belgium, so it's very very delicious. If you taste it, you would be surprised. The left is Lavande taste and the right is cacao tase. I like the left, because it's some unusual taste and addictive. Anyway, I'm thankful to my boyfriend for his careful concern. But... I'm so sick. I don't eat the chocolate.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

[Diary] Suffer from Enteritis

Yesterday, I was a little bit sick. I was very sensitive, because there are three midterm examinations today. I felt sleepy, and I drank caffine drinking. Finally, I suffered from enteritis. I had diarrhea continuously. My body was all aglow. I had a terrible headache. I don't know how to take three examinations. After three examinations, I went to the hospital. I got two IV injection and an shot in the buttock. I don't eat anything. I'm so sick, so I can't feel hungry. I'm sad.

Friday, October 22, 2010

[Life] Goodbye My Flat Shoes

This photo is my old flat shoes. I bought this shoes last year. I have put on this shoes until today, but It's time to part my old shoes and I. It was very dirty and worn down at the heel. I did wear enough, so I bought new flat shoes. My new shoes twinkle on my feet. I will write about new shoes.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

[Food] Rice noodles & Vietnam ssam

This food is rice noodles and Vietnam ssam. Vietnam ssam is that greens wrapped in ricepaper, and eat Vietnam ssam by dipping it in condiments. I like these foods, because this food is light. My intestines is very sensitive, so I have to be careful about my food. Although, I can like this food and eat it. Moreover, I love small size food, because small size food is easy to eat. Vietnam ssam what made by cooker is easy to eat. So I love it too. I want to eat that right now.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

[Class] Reflection of Class

I'm studying for writing and reading. Today, I want to write what I learned.

<Writing process>
1. Narrow down your topic
2. Do pre-writing (Discussing, Free-writing, Brainstorming, Clustering, Jounal, Researching&Taking notes, Cubing, Looping, Reporter's 6Qs)
3. Make an outline (topic sentence, 1st reason, 2st reason, 3nd reason, concluding sentence)
4. Write your 1st draft
5. Edit your 1st draft ( for coherence, unity, idea...)
6. Write the 2nd draft
7. Edit for mechanics (grammar, spelling, punctuation, format...)
8 Write your final draft.

I didn't know how difficult writing before. It's hard for me, but I will study hard.

Monday, October 18, 2010

[Life] I love cereal !

This cracker's name is Cereal. I'm falling into the Cereal these days.

I like a sense about crunch, crispy. So I love a radish and cabbage root. Anyway, I don't like crackers or snacks, but I want to eat crackers twice a year. These days is at that time. When I went to the market, I saw the Cereal. I bought it and ate it. Then, I bought again three Cereal. It's very delicious.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

[Diary] I'm panic

I will take midterm next week, but an important matter is not that. I have to take three examinations on friday and 1 examination on saturday. I'm afraid this situation. The stress about examination press me. I'll do my best, but I worry about that. I need to slow myself down.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

[Wedding] HanBok

Hanbok is Korean traditional clothes. When korean get married, usually buy and dress up Hanbok. Today, my mother, my boyfriend and I went to order HanBok. There are vary silks. The HanBok store owner recommended color that look well with me. My boyfriend ordered HanBok, too. I expect my first HanBok.

Friday, October 15, 2010

[Restaurant] Da-Woo

Da-Woo is roll and noodle food restaurant about sookmyung university. I often go to the restaurant with my boy friend or friends. This restaurant's food is very fresh and easy to eat so I like. When I can't think what I want to eat, I go there. I have went to the restaurant and ate all of food for 3 years, but I still love it.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

[Life] Gong-Duck Pork

Yenny, Jin-a, and I appointmented to go Gong-duck today. My final class was over at p.m.8:00 but Jin-a's class finished at p.m.8:40. Anyway, Yenny and I were waiting for her. At that time, my boyfriend called me. My boyfriend said that he want to buy today dinner to my friends. So we went to Gong-duck dong for eating Pork. The dinner was very good because this time was first time with together my boyfriend and my friends.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

[Photo] My graduation photo

I took my graduation photo last week. The studio sent to me mobile mesaage that I can see my photo at the studio website. I was entering the website, and there are my photos. When I take a picture, I warried about it because make-up and hair are not to my taste. Fotunately, the pictures came out very well. I grinned hard when I took photo. I think that It's of help.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

[Life] Get Up

My alarm clock rings about seven o'clock from Tuesday to Friday. However, I usually don't get up at once. Although my alarm clock crying, I turn off the alarm clock, and besides I sleep again. Why don't I get up with good feeling? What about you? May be, I think, my health fails. What I have too much dream is one of reasons that I don't get up well. Anyway, so I very hard to go to school and study. If you know the solution of this problem, please let me know the way. Please~~

Monday, October 11, 2010

[Think] Communication way 2

I want to write the remaining reasons that I prefer face to face communication. The other reason, we can avoid misunderstanding. I have been misunderstood when I sent to mobile message because mobile message couldn't express my feeling and my manner of speech. Also, if we talk about by looking for my friend, we can talk variety. When we talking about something, we say variety subjects coming across our mind continually at that time. So I like to talk by face to face communication.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

[Beauty] A face pack with mung bean

I do a face pack with natural material weekly. Among them, I introduce the mung bean pack. The mung bean has excellent detoxifying properties so I can remove sebum, remainder makeup when I wash up with the mung bean powder. The way of mung bean face pack is very simple.

1. Mix mung bean powder, honey, milk.
2. Cover 1 on your face.
3. Wait 15 minute.
4. Wash your face.

I like a face pack with natural material becasue the pack don't make trouble. My skin is very sensitive but the pack is good on my face. After, I will introduce the face pack with rice bran, malt, job's tears.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

[Diary] Party ^^

     There is a youth group in the church that I attend weekly. The youth group is divided the small group called the farm. Our farm is made up seven person and I am leader of the farm.
     We open party on the first saturday of every month. Today is the party day! I suggested that each person prepare a dish for the party and we went hee-won's home with the food. I prepared the bibimbap with tuna. We ate the bibimbap and flavored glutinous rice mixed with honey, dates, chestnuts, etc. We talked for 2 hours and I went first to the church. We had a good time today!

Friday, October 8, 2010

[Think] Communication way 1

I recieved the question.
"What do you think about face to face communication is better than anyother types of communication such as e-mail, letter, telephone?"
I want to write the answer of   the question.

     I think that face to face communication is better than anyother types of communication such as e-mail, letter, and telephone. The communication include verbal expression and a gesture, we can use the way to expression at face to face communication. Also, we can not only understand a purpose of talking person but also go to the other side of communication.
     The reason that I prefer face to face communication is like this. I want to write one reason today.
First, we can communicate effectively. When I talk with my friends, I say words and take a gesture. For example, I take a happy face while I talk happy story so my friends understand my story very well.

To be continue....

Thursday, October 7, 2010

[Music] Heart of GOD

I already writed the lyrics of CCM song and refered that I will write regularly so I introduce the song of korea CCM. I translated the song lyrics.

* Title : 하나님 아버지의 마음 (Heart of GOD)
* Singer : 유은성 (You Eun-sung)
* lyrics :
I want to be lacated my mind in your mind.
I want to gather my tears seeing that you saw and gathered tears in your eyes.
I want to look the people that you look.
I want to go the country that you are crying because the country is dark.
I hope my think become your think.
I hope my life become your life.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

[Life] Cyworld Minihompy

I introduce my cyworld minihompy(=mini home page).

My hompy is simple and clean mood. This photo is the first frame of my hompy. If you visit my hompy, you could see the picture including my profile, feeling, name, and so on.

This is my diary. I have writen since 2005. When I want to write my feeling or something that I suffered today, I writed diary at the hompy diary.

This photo album is very useful. I use the photo album by group of my life such as family, high-school friends, universty friends, church friends. I uproaded photo and then my friends write comments.

There are many SNS(Social Networking Service) these days. Cyworld minihompy is one of them. I will use the hompy and the other SNS such as twitter, facebook.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

[Think] Media's invasion of privacy

I disagree with the statement that media pay too much attention to the pesonal lives of famous people because there is a right of famous people including me. First, I have a right that gets a high-quality content by media. But if media contents give too much the personal lives of famous people, I couldn't get contents that I want. Also, fomous people have a right of privacy. If their private life is exposed to media, they couldn't go around neighborhood and talk about anyting.

Monday, October 4, 2010

[Beauty] Dead Skin Cells on your lip

How do you remove your dead skin cells on your lip? I introduce my way removing dead skin cells on my lip. First, remove remainder of lipstick on your lip and then warm by steam towel. Next, massage your lip with brown sugar and honey. Last, wipe your mouth by steam towel and then cover essence or cream. I wish your lip is always moist.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

[Life] Preparatory Wedding School

My boyfriend and I made a conscience of attending 'Preparatory Wedding School'. Preparatory Wedding School is the seminar for preparatory couples. It has conducted weekly and proceeded for 3 hours. We receipted the seminar. This is the seminar curriculum.

1. The biblical principle of wedding
2. The difference both man and woman
3. The wedding and self-image healing
4. The sex of husband and wife
5. The family economy
6. How to conversation and Solution of the conflict

We expect to that our relationship get better through the seminar.
I will post up after attend the class.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

[Music] Here I Am To Worship

I want to write regularly the song of CCM(contemporary christian music) that I like and listen. So I give you a introduction of this song.

* Title : Here I Am To Worship
* Lyrics :
Light of the world, you stepped down into darkness opened my eyes let me see.
Beauty that made this heart adore you.
Hope of a life spent with you.
Here I am to worship.
Here I am to bow down.
Here I am to say that you're my God.
You're altogether lovely.
Altogether worthy, altogether wonderful to me.
(source by

* Feeling : This song is very silently and give awe and repect. The people who go to the church sing when before worship usually because this song is 'worship song'. I like that listen the song when I want to do meditation. I would listen to the song today.

Friday, October 1, 2010

[Life] Insomnia

I'm suffering from insomnia these days. I don't know why do I have insomnia. Maybe, the reason is getting stress. I have what I have to do and I don't have enough time. So I am not getting enough sleep. Finally, I was tossing and turnnig before I fell asleep. This situation is repeated. I will find a solution of insomnia.