Wednesday, October 20, 2010

[Class] Reflection of Class

I'm studying for writing and reading. Today, I want to write what I learned.

<Writing process>
1. Narrow down your topic
2. Do pre-writing (Discussing, Free-writing, Brainstorming, Clustering, Jounal, Researching&Taking notes, Cubing, Looping, Reporter's 6Qs)
3. Make an outline (topic sentence, 1st reason, 2st reason, 3nd reason, concluding sentence)
4. Write your 1st draft
5. Edit your 1st draft ( for coherence, unity, idea...)
6. Write the 2nd draft
7. Edit for mechanics (grammar, spelling, punctuation, format...)
8 Write your final draft.

I didn't know how difficult writing before. It's hard for me, but I will study hard.

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