Wednesday, October 6, 2010

[Life] Cyworld Minihompy

I introduce my cyworld minihompy(=mini home page).

My hompy is simple and clean mood. This photo is the first frame of my hompy. If you visit my hompy, you could see the picture including my profile, feeling, name, and so on.

This is my diary. I have writen since 2005. When I want to write my feeling or something that I suffered today, I writed diary at the hompy diary.

This photo album is very useful. I use the photo album by group of my life such as family, high-school friends, universty friends, church friends. I uproaded photo and then my friends write comments.

There are many SNS(Social Networking Service) these days. Cyworld minihompy is one of them. I will use the hompy and the other SNS such as twitter, facebook.

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