Thursday, September 30, 2010

[Recipe] Roasted Sweet Potato

I want to write the recipe of simple snack. The store sells all sorts of snack but there is chemical component in the snack. So I will report to you the hand-made snack.

● Ingredients : sweet potato, butter, cooking oil, starch flour, oligosaccharide, sugar powder
● recipe step :

1. Shred the sweet potato.

2. Rinse shredded sweet potatos with cold water.

3. Roaste shredded sweet potatos onto well-oiled frying pan over small heat.
    Sprinkle starch flour on shredded sweet potatos.

4. Put the sweet potatos on a plate and Sprinkle oligosaccharide, sugar powder.

Finished!! Make the fresh snack by your hands ~!!

(recipe sorce by this blog

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

[Think] The terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001

The ninth anniversary of the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, was marked on Saturday by the memorials and prayer services of the past, but also by events hard to envision just a year ago — heated demonstrations blocks from ground zero, political and religious tensions and an unmistakable sense that a once-unifying day was now replete with division.

The names of nearly 3,000 victims were read under crisp blue skies in Lower Manhattan after the bells of the city’s houses of worship tolled at the exact moment — 8:46 a.m. — that the first plane struck the north tower of the World Trade Center. At the Pentagon, President Obama called for tolerance and said, “As Americans we are not — and never will be — at war with Islam.”

(source by The NewYork Times

 Do you remember the events of Sept. 11, 2001? I was 16 years old at that time. I watched that  tower of the World Trade Center had collapsed by the crash a tower and a plane. I thought that the scene is movie but it isn't. That's a real situation. I was so surprised and shocked. That incident was not only a very serious accident but also impacted the society. The effect of the incident has been contiune.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

[World] Millennium Development Goals(MDGs) 10 Anniversary

The Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) are eight international development goals that all 192 United Nations member states and at least 23 international organizations have agreed to achieve by the year 2015. They include eradicating extreme poverty, reducing child mortality rates, fighting disease epidemics such as AIDS, and developing a global partnership for development. (source by wikipedia)

This year is MDGs 10 Anniversary so KOREAN NGO's NETWORK against GLOBAL POVERTY hold a celebration. The organization makes an effort to fulfill MDGs through white band campaign and this white band is used to anniversary event. Goodneighbors that one of non-governmental organization open event at Yeouido this weekend. You can take a polaroid photo and have a commemorative card when you get there.

Monday, September 27, 2010

[Life] The way for a walk - 'Hongnung Arboretum Way'

The City Hall of Seoul suggested the way for a walk. We can search this list in this website I went to 'Hongnung Arboretum Way'. This road is near by Kyung-Hee university and connect to Korea university. I went to about Kyung-Hee university to do my business and walked the road. There is many street trees by on the road because there is Hongnung Arboretum. If you want to walk silently and like to dense trees, I'll recommend this way. It's very nice walking course.

Sunday, September 26, 2010

[Story] Promise

I want to talk about love story of my friend.

My friend dated his girlfriend last spring. They went to the cafe 'Coffee Time' and promised meeting again today next year. But they broke up because he have to go Canada for short language study. She said to him "I don't wait you." so their relationship ended.

Athough he went to Canada, he wonder whether she remember that promise. So he asked me to go the cafe and to find her.

I went to the cafe but she isn't. I have to send e-mail that include 'She isn't there.' to him. I wonder his reply.   

Saturday, September 25, 2010

[Life] Wedding Dress

I'm preparing the wedding. One of the wedding schedule is wedding dress choice. So I got around three wedding dress shop. I already printed out a dress photo and I wore various dress. The wedding dress that I want to wear is like this.

The total number of the dress that I wore is 11. But I didn't choice it because I didn't find my best dress. So I'm going to get around the other dress shop. I hope that I find my dress.

Friday, September 24, 2010

[Family] My Mom

My mom is 55 years old but she is my friend. I talk about many things of my life with her. She advise me how to live life. Sometimes, she repeat mention that she say already but that is heart loved me. So I learnd many things ㅡendurance, modesty, positive mind, toleranceㅡ through her. I want to inherit her disposition. I'll be good to my parents while they are here.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

[Soap Opera] 'Sung Kwun Kwan' Scandal

'Sung Kwun Kwan' is the best educational institution in the Joseon Dynasty and is backgraound soap opera 'Sung Kwun Kwan Scandal'. That draw the student's life of Sung Kwun Kwan. I watch the soap opera because most of the cast act well and there is actor who I like. He is Song Jung Gi. He is very very cute and have baby face. Besides, his face acting is really excellent!! So that soap opera is more enjoy.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

[Life] Smart Phone

Many people use 'Smart Phone' such as I-Phone, GALAXY these days. So I want to think about something 'Smart Phone' give us change.

I have used a I-Phone for 2 month. My life has changed and has conveniented. I talk with Smart Phone users free of charge. So I can talk often with friends who I can't meet. Also it reduce message cost. I call to my boyfriend through 'Internet Phone Application' for free. I search internet page and write my opinion on internet anywhere. I can read the world news paper and watch a video in subway. When I don't know a road, I don't worry because I-Phone know the road. Above this, there are many something special. I expect that Smart Phone improve our life.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

[Diary] Heavy Rain

Today, the rain poured down. So the poor lived basement become victim of heavy rain. Besides, Today is Chu-Seok that people should enjoy. I'm so sad to hear that. I think Goverment should fix a drainage system and give some subsidy. When natural disasters comes, the gap between the rich and the poor is getting bigger.

Monday, September 20, 2010

[Family] Ye-Eun

My Family is five. Father, mother, first brother, second brother, and me. I live with father, mother, and second brother. First brother get married his wife so they move out of their parents' house. And they have a child called "Ye-Eun'.

Ye-Eun is my nephew and I'm her father's sister. Ye-Eun is very cute and give my family happiness. She who was infant is growing up so she a little find her legs.   She celebrated her first birthday soon. So I give her birthday present,

I say to her "You are so pretty, and you'll call me 'beautiful aunt' forever." I love her.

Sunday, September 19, 2010

[Class] Reflection of class

(I'd like to say before write post. This contents of Plagiarism written at '2010 Express Yourself through Writing' by KYUNG MOON. Our class uses the teaching book.)

I learned 'Plagiarism' in a class last week. I'll write things that I learned and knew new informations.
First, Plagiarism means to include another writer's words or ideas in my work without giving credit to that writer. This is an act of dishonesty and theft. So How to avoid plagiarism? There are many things how to avoid but I'll write three summarizing presentation.

1. Pharagraph
~~~~~. (last name, 1995)

2. Direct Quote
 type a. Smith said, "~~~~~~~~~~~~."
 type b. "~~~~~~~~~~~~~." (last name, 1995)

3. Indirect Quote
 According to Smith, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~. (1995)

Saturday, September 18, 2010

[Movie] Inception

'Inception' is my style movie. I heard good comment of the movie through my friends. After heard the movie, I tried to watch it but I didn't go to theater. When I watched the movie in a little while, I shouted "That's the movie!!"

I like a thriller and drama. I feel enjoy when I watch a movie with a complex situation. I'm interested in solution and mystery of situation. 'Inception' is very interesting movie. Movie story is like this.

'Inception' means inputting information in one's thinking. Cobb is not only thinking guard but also thief of thinking. By accident event Cobb is wanted and received from major company that want to do 'Inception' to competition company. Cobb orgarnize the team for 'Inception'.

The movie is a little difficult but it is this movie has interesting. Being Analysis the movie when watch it, you fall in the movie.

Friday, September 17, 2010

[Life] My Chuseok Plan

Chuseok is Korean tradition holiday and our most important holiday. At this year, Chuseok is a long holiday September 21, 22, 23. I don't attend school on Monday so I have a straight holiday from sep 18 to 23. So I planed what to do this holiday. And I decided to have LASEK operation today.
LASEK means Laser Epithelial eratomileusis (Naver term dictionary). People who can't receive operation because Retinal Detachment thickness is very thin have LASEK operation.
I'll have operation first with my life so I'm very scared. Specially, I'm worried about the operation because I have sensitive eyes. Besides, I heard there is many ache after operation. I'm very frighten but I'll put up with inconveniences. Why? I want to see the world cleanly.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

[Class] Presentation review

 Our team presented "Essential reading skill" today. I was nervous because I'm first time presenting in English. Besides, our team of turn was first. We thought positively and prepared the presentation. We divised part of presentation and made a script and PPT. We presented and was easy to understand. I think the best thing we did is explanation easily. Luckily, we finished well and learned presentation skill in English. It's the point that I understand before presentation. I'll practice presentation step by step.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

[News] Appointment for professor

I saw this news and more had a shock than I thought. I want to post up this news article.

This chart show 'the professor graduated oneself's school by university'. This article suggest like this.

"Many universities such as Seoul University, Yonsei University, Korea University tend to appointment a professor graduated oneself's school. Now, The Official Appointment Regulations regulate the number of people to graduate the other shool above a third. But there is no restrict regulation so almost university disregard."

I have saw such as this attending university. There are professors that they graduated university of themself. I think this situation is very usal but I don't think that such a thing's numerial is above regulation. The number of chart is too much figure. I wish expand an opportunity of becoming professor.

* source link :

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

[Think] Being alone

If I should choose to be alone or to be with friends, I'll choose being alone. The reason is that I can get many things when I'm alone.
First of all, the time alone give me the time that I can think past, present, future. I like thihking about me. Beacause I know me better through the time.
In addition, I can have a freedom of choice. When I'm with friend, I tend to follow friend's opinion. This is not that I don't like it. I can just have a chace of choice and enjoy it.
Also, I can hear my voice of inside. So I don't be swayed by many people.
This time makes me more mature so I'll have a plan that I send this time alone.

Monday, September 13, 2010

[Food] A restaurant "Rice&Pasta"

I went to a retaurant "Rice&Pasta" in myung dong today night with my boyfriend. We were so tired so we went into somewhere, called "Rice&Pasta". We ordered a combination fried rice and carbonara spaghetti. The food were very delicious and not oily so we liked this restaurant. Specially, the restaurant is clean and employees are very kind. If you go to myung dong, I will recommend the restaurant.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

[Life] My wedding plan

I'm preparing for a wedding. My wedding date is next year February 12. So I'm stepping on wedding plan. Korean wedding tradition is very complicate so I have more attention. I want to write my wedding plan that I'm doing. ('we' is my boyfriend and I)

First of all, we arranged a meeting between the families of the bride and bridegroom. Specially, we had the meeting in my boyfriend's home. So the families of I and my boyfriend talked easlly.

The second, we decided a wedding date. We go to church every week. So we decided a wedding date to Saturday.

The third, we searched and choosed a wedding hall.

The next, we appointed to wedding consulting that connect a wedding studio, a dress shop, a make-up&hair shop.

We should decide honeymoon consulting. We are going to a volley.

In addition, we will buy a hanbok that is Korean traditional clothes and a wedding ring. And I should send wedding present to the bridegroom's family. It's Korean wedding tradition.

Above this, there is too much what to do. Besides, I go to school!! I'll have stress but I'll enjoy it.

Saturday, September 11, 2010

[Life] I love black color!

I like black color because black is very simple and sensible. So I like to wear black colored clothes.
Today, I searched autumn clothes that I will wear this season. There are various clothes such as shirt, skinny jeans, pants, dress, cardigan. Most of all, I love black cardigan. Cardigan is very useful item when weather is very changeable as these days. I have some cardigan but I want to buy new cardigan that I don't have. Cardigan that I want to get is like this.

It's very usual and useful.

It has point color and is made a little thic material.

There is sepcial pattern on the front side.

I want to buy all but I don't have money. So I need wisdom of shopping.

Friday, September 10, 2010

[Movie] 아저씨 (A Gentleman)

I want to talk about a movie '아저씨(A Gentleman)' that I watched.

Main story is like this.
Tae-Sik was personnel agent and lost his wife because of an accident. Now, he works pawnshop. He make a friend So-Mi who is a child uncared-for her mom. One day, So-Mi disappeared. So Tae-Sik search So-Mi and find her.

In my opinion, this movie is very stimulative. Some people said, "Oh~ It's so interesting! Won-Bin(Tae-Sik) is very hansome so I can feel love." Absolutely, Won-Bin is very very hansome, wonderful, and nice guy. But movie wasn't nice. Tae-Sik killed many people. There is too much violence in the movie. So I almost cried. Anyway, I don't say to you to watch the movie.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

[Class] Writing e-mail

Dear Prof. Bita,

I hope this e-mail finds you well.

I'm Eun-Hye Park from Sookmyung university and calss#73.

I'm writing to let you know that I will be absent a next calss.  I have had a stomachache for 5days so I have to get a medical checkup.

Thank you for your time.

Eun-Hye Park

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

[Friends] My boyfriend

 I want to introduce my boyfriend.

He’s name is ‘Gu Won’ and means ‘salvation’. He's name is made by his mom who is christian.
He is 32 years old. I'm more young than he as 7 years.

He works in the NGO 'Goodneighbors'. He send too much hard time in his work because he have many things had to. ('NGO' is non-governmental organization.)

He is very very tall. He's height is 190cm so I love him, because I like taller. He isn't hansome but he is manly. In addition he looks young for his age. Everyone say to him "Wow~ you have a baby face!"

I like his honest and caring. He always think about me and considerate our meeting. He is detail-oriented and neat. I have never seen that his around was dirty.

We met 1 year 8 month ago. Now, we prepare our 'wedding'. We love now and for ever. I love him.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

[Blog] Start :-)

Everythihg is started !

I took a class 'General English program Reading and Writing' today a.m. 11:00. Professor told us about this course. For example course object, text
book, assessment, class policy and so on. One of that is this blog. So I'm started blog. The blog will be a my portfolio.

I can't english well but try and take a effort.
I'm worried about portfolio but It's OK. Because 'now' is start time. I will be better. Let's start!