Sunday, September 19, 2010

[Class] Reflection of class

(I'd like to say before write post. This contents of Plagiarism written at '2010 Express Yourself through Writing' by KYUNG MOON. Our class uses the teaching book.)

I learned 'Plagiarism' in a class last week. I'll write things that I learned and knew new informations.
First, Plagiarism means to include another writer's words or ideas in my work without giving credit to that writer. This is an act of dishonesty and theft. So How to avoid plagiarism? There are many things how to avoid but I'll write three summarizing presentation.

1. Pharagraph
~~~~~. (last name, 1995)

2. Direct Quote
 type a. Smith said, "~~~~~~~~~~~~."
 type b. "~~~~~~~~~~~~~." (last name, 1995)

3. Indirect Quote
 According to Smith, ~~~~~~~~~~~~~. (1995)

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