Wednesday, September 29, 2010

[Think] The terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001

The ninth anniversary of the terrorist attacks of Sept. 11, 2001, was marked on Saturday by the memorials and prayer services of the past, but also by events hard to envision just a year ago — heated demonstrations blocks from ground zero, political and religious tensions and an unmistakable sense that a once-unifying day was now replete with division.

The names of nearly 3,000 victims were read under crisp blue skies in Lower Manhattan after the bells of the city’s houses of worship tolled at the exact moment — 8:46 a.m. — that the first plane struck the north tower of the World Trade Center. At the Pentagon, President Obama called for tolerance and said, “As Americans we are not — and never will be — at war with Islam.”

(source by The NewYork Times

 Do you remember the events of Sept. 11, 2001? I was 16 years old at that time. I watched that  tower of the World Trade Center had collapsed by the crash a tower and a plane. I thought that the scene is movie but it isn't. That's a real situation. I was so surprised and shocked. That incident was not only a very serious accident but also impacted the society. The effect of the incident has been contiune.

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