Sunday, September 12, 2010

[Life] My wedding plan

I'm preparing for a wedding. My wedding date is next year February 12. So I'm stepping on wedding plan. Korean wedding tradition is very complicate so I have more attention. I want to write my wedding plan that I'm doing. ('we' is my boyfriend and I)

First of all, we arranged a meeting between the families of the bride and bridegroom. Specially, we had the meeting in my boyfriend's home. So the families of I and my boyfriend talked easlly.

The second, we decided a wedding date. We go to church every week. So we decided a wedding date to Saturday.

The third, we searched and choosed a wedding hall.

The next, we appointed to wedding consulting that connect a wedding studio, a dress shop, a make-up&hair shop.

We should decide honeymoon consulting. We are going to a volley.

In addition, we will buy a hanbok that is Korean traditional clothes and a wedding ring. And I should send wedding present to the bridegroom's family. It's Korean wedding tradition.

Above this, there is too much what to do. Besides, I go to school!! I'll have stress but I'll enjoy it.

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